Can i access to Fargate windows containers?


Hello, I'm using EC2 windows instance for browser UI automation test, but i have to regularly upgrade the system to meet company security poilicy. i'm thinking maybe fargate can help me get ride of the maintenance, but i'm not sure if i can access to the underlying OS through aws console or RDP. can i login to the OS and do some operations? Many Thanks, Judy

feita há 2 anos829 visualizações
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Hi - I'm assuming you are using Fargate on ECS. Generally speaking it's not a good fit for your usecase.

Even Kubernetes's kubectl exec has no direct support for Windows containers, and the new ECS exec has yet to support the functionality you are looking for (things like RDP). This is in addition to some persistence needs you might want to consider vs EC2 instances.

A better option is to use AWS System Manager patch manager, as documented here.

PS - If your real goal is to automate UI testing, it's feasible to do in containers, but you will have to add automation within for example your CI/CD process and inside the container itself. The goal is to eliminate the need for your to manually login to the container instance yourself. It seems to be a much bigger lift initially but can be something you consider in the future.

respondido há 2 anos
  • Hi Jason, Thank you so much for your reply!! Yes, i have jenkins server setup in another EC2 instance (linux), and this windows EC2 instance works as a node of the jenkins server. normally i don't need to log into the container, but sometimes i have to, like: upgrade the browser and browser driver version, or the system automatically restared, but the jenkins agent was not startup correctly.

    My automation scripts will take screenshots when the tests failed, not sure if Fargate support that (does Windows on Fargate have UI)?

    I'll definitely look at AWS System Manager patch manager --- Thanks for the suggestion!!

    Thanks again! Judy

  • Well the answer is a bit complicated. you will need to figure out a way to send the images out. It's possible, but not straightforward in Windows Fargate. As EFS does not support Windows and Windows Fargate does not support FSx, you pretty much need to have a standalone endpoint for you to send the images to. So that's one reason it might not be the best option for you.

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