Sending Message to a custom Pinpoint channel with Lambda


I'm trying to build an integration between Pinpoint and Lex for a two-way communication. I'm trying to build something similar to this solution on Amazon Blog but with minor modifications. Instead of sending the message via SMS channel, I need that message to be delivered to a Pinpoint Custom Channel. I'm unable to find any examples or API to send a direct message to a custom channel.

PS: I had to use Custom Channel due to the fact that, I wish to integrate Pinpoint with other channels like WhatsApp/ FB Messenger or internal endpoint.

2 Respostas
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The Pinpoint SendMessages API doesn't support sending messages through custom channels. It currently only supports custom messages sent using campaigns and journeys.

respondido há um ano
  • Do you have any examples of sending it via journeys? I was thinking on the lines, like creating a custom event that triggers a journey? I would appreciate if you provide me with any other workaround


@BrentAtAWS what do you suggest for direct messages?

respondido há 6 meses

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