Voucher for the AWS cloud practitioner exam.


I just lost my chance to take the AWS CCP exam due to testing center ID requirements and would like to ask if there are ways to get a refund, reschedule or a get a free voucher to take the exam.

Thank you.

feita há 8 meses396 visualizações
2 Respostas


It is all described in the FAQ: https://aws.amazon.com/certification/faqs/

is there an option to reschedule my exam if I cannot make my appointment ?

Yes. You can cancel or reschedule your exam up to 24 hours before your scheduled appointment 
without additional fees. To reschedule or cancel your exam, go to your AWS Certification Account 
and click the Manage Pearson VUE exams button. Select the scheduled exam you wish to manage 
from the Upcoming Appointments menu. Once you reach the 24-hour window before your scheduled 
appointment, you will not be able to cancel or reschedule your exam. If you miss your scheduled
 exam appointment, you will forfeit the exam fee and are not eligible for a refund (see medical 
exception below). You will not be able to register again for the exam until 24 hours after your missed 
exam time. Missing the exam does not result in a “fail” status.

To receive support for a cancellation or a missed exam, due to a medical emergency contact your test v

For personal illness (with medical documentation) or for unforeseen emergency situations (documentation 
required), the test delivery vendors will waive the fee and allow a reschedule without fees. In emergency 
situations, you will be required to provide official documentation of the emergency event. This policy is 
noted and digitally agreed to in the test registration agreement and in the exam appointment confirmation 
email. Staff will respond to your ticket within a period of 5 business days (weekends and holidays are not 
included). Note: If you do not receive a response from the vendor after 5 business days, please reply to 
this email with their ticket number for further assistance.

Please note that you may only reschedule two times after scheduling your original appointment. If you 
wish to reschedule a third time, you must cancel and schedule a new appointment. The reschedule limit 
will apply to the new appointment. Exam appointments cannot be cancelled less than 24 hours prior to y
our appointment.



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respondido há 8 meses

The Cloud Practitioner Challenge is running until December 31st 2023 and offers 25% off the exam cost: Join the challenge and get a 25% discount on your AWS Certification exam, curated exam prep content, and more!


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