MediaConvert does not entertain Odd values for thumbnail sizes


I am trying to generate thumbnail images from video via AWS MediaConvert transcoding along with HLS processed outputs And i have below output group set for a thumbnail with with & height set to 453

        "CustomName": "Thumbnails Output",
        "Name": "Thumbnails",
        "Outputs": [
            "ContainerSettings": {
              "Container": "RAW"
            "VideoDescription": {
              "Width": 453,
              "Height": 453,
              "CodecSettings": {
                "Codec": "FRAME_CAPTURE",
                "FrameCaptureSettings": {
                  "FramerateNumerator": 1,
                  "FramerateDenominator": 1,
                  "MaxCaptures": 2,
                  "Quality": 100
            "NameModifier": "_453"
        "OutputGroupSettings": {
          "Type": "FILE_GROUP_SETTINGS",
          "FileGroupSettings": {
            "Destination": "s3://my-test-bucket/Thumbnails_test"

I see below errors , Why doesn't MediaConvert like Odd values, is there any workaround to accept odd values ?

Invalid resolution [453 x 453], only even values are supported. video_description [3].

feita há 10 meses269 visualizações
2 Respostas

At present, the scaler function within the service uses even size numbers only. Virtually all popular broadcast and streaming formats use even numbered dimensions. To make you job work, you can either add or remove one pixel in each dimension.

profile picture
respondido há 10 meses


MediaConvert supports only even values for resolution due to the video compression algorithms as they have constraints on the minimum dimensions that are powers of 2 from a performance perspective. This is common industry standard which MediaConvert follows.

The current workaround would be to add or remove one pixel from the resolution to make it even value.

Please feel free to reach out for further queries on this. Thank you.


respondido há 10 meses

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