Seekable OCI (SOCI) push the index to ECR repo, Only SOCI index pushed, no image index pushed.


Hello, Does anyone encounter the issue (sudo soci push --user AWS:$PASSWORD only push the soci index, not image index? From this doc, there are two ways to create SOCI indexes for container image:

  1. Use AWS SOCI Index Builder
  2. Create SOCI indexes manually if i am Using AWS SOCI Index Builder (, which is about Cloudformation stack would generates and pushes SOCI indexes to repositories in the Amazon ECR registry automatically. it will have soci index and image index

However, if i used the second way(create SOCI indexes manually), I can only see the soci index was pushed to ECR repo, no image index in ECR repo. Does anyone know why?

1 Answer

Contact Service team internally, since it started supporting OCI 1.1, it stopped creating the image index.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 months ago

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