PeriodOverPeriodDifference - Returning SQL Exception


I have the following Calculated Field

periodOverPeriodDifference(sum(test), createdAt)

where the current output in a pivot table looks standard with createdAt as Rows and other CalculatedFields calculating the YOY Growth and Total Growth. However every time I add the above CalculatedField in I am met with a SQL Exception but I cannot see the error.

  • Hi.

    1. Where did you see the SQL exception?
    2. Please tell me the information of your dataset. Can you provide SPICE or Direct, reproducible sample data if possible? We can investigate the cause together.
  • Hi,

    The error appears as I pull the Calculated Field into the Pivot Table. At that point the chart gives the following error "Your database generated a SQL Exception, this can be caused by timeouts, resource constraints" The query is a direct query as I am not using SPICE at the moment. The data looks similar to this

  • createdAt YoYGrowth Sum(Test) 1/1/20 5 5 1/4/20 76 71 1/7/20 105 29 1/10/20 280 175 1/1/21 113 113 1/4/21 215 102 1/7/21 308 93 1/10/21 446 138 1/1/22 138 138 1/4/22 174 36

    Please note the orginal dates had 00:00 appended

  • I will give it a try. I will reply again.

asked 2 years ago68 views
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