Issues consuming AWS API Gateway API



I have a simple HTTP API created using AWS API Gateway that uses a lambda integration to returns some data.
I have also configured it with a custom DN using route53 (CNAME)

Recently I have been getting the following error when making a call to the endpoint

Error: Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames: Host: xxxxxx. is not in the cert's altnames: DNS:*

Can anyone help with why this is happening? I have setup a certificate for my custom domain using AWS certificate manager as well so its all AWS services, but for some reason its just stopped working?


asked 4 years ago1814 views
2 Answers

I am weirdly getting this issue intermittently, when I make a call to the API in a browser I get the following error:

This server could not prove that it is; 
its security certificate is from * 
This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker 
intercepting your connection.

Then it goes away and it works again? HUH? Any ideas?

AWS Support, I am using all your services for this but for some reason there seems to be an issue, can someone please help?

answered 4 years ago

Forget it I found someone on stackoverflow with the same problem.

Seems to be down to the route53 record. Instead of a CNAME to the API invoke URL it needs to be an ALIAS A record to the region URL of the API

I have detailed the solution here

Problem solved.

answered 4 years ago

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