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Can you post a snippet of your CloudFormation template for the relevant resources that are failing and the full error message? There's not enough information to help troubleshoot the error with the information you provided. From your question, the only thing I can say is thatarn:aws:acm:us--2::certificate/*
is not a valid certificate ARN so that may be the cause of the error unless that has been truncated somewhere.
answered 5 months ago
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- AWS OFFICIALUpdated 4 days ago
I had a nested stack, I wanted to update, but after the update, it turned out that someone manually changed the certificate to the listener and it threw this error that it can't find it, then I tried to update through the parent stack, but it can't update because: "Stack:arn:aws:cloudformation:us--2::stack/Root-Stack-ALB-/ is in UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED state and can not be updated." what with a nested stack, some problems (on errors, only this one on certificates).
If a resource has been deleted outside of CloudFormation and is causing the rollback to fail, I would recommend the following:
flag to skip the resource(s) that are causing the failure to recover the stack. Please review this documentation on how to do so: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-continueupdaterollback.html