SAP HANA on AWS & EC2 Placement Groups



Is there any guidance that we (or SAP) provide regarding EC2 Placement Groups for SAP HANA on AWS deployments (i.e. cluster placement groups for latency or partition placement groups for availability, etc) for single-AZ deployments?

Doesn't appear to be any specific guidance that I've found so far on this topic.

Thanks, Anthony

asked 5 years ago867 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


Cluster placement groups are only recommended for SAP HANA scale-out deployments.

This is because the certification requirement for >9Gbps single tcp flow. This is a part of the HANA inter-node network requirement.

Otherwise you don't need or are not required to use placement groups with SAP HANA in AWS (i.e. you're not required to have a PG between HANA and the SAP App server or HANA and other SAP systems it may talk to).

I hope that helps.

answered 5 years ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

Suggestion 13.4.3 – Use placement groups for SAP HANA scale out

To meet the SAP certification for internode communication in an SAP HANA scale-out deployment, it is necessary to use a cluster placement group.

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answered 2 years ago

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