PITR testing for disaster recovery


Hey team, I was doing PITR testing of DynamoDb. So with this testing I wanted to know about the time it will take to do fully restoring of data. Can you help me these questions:

  1. In my devo account there is a data of around 257 GB while in the production account is only 36GB, but the indexes are same in both. I will get the rough estimate from DEVO but it will be too high. Is there anyway to theoretically predict the time it will take in production if I have data for devo?
asked 6 months ago215 views
2 Answers

According to this: https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/dynamodb-restore-taking-long

The time DynamoDB takes to restore a table varies based on multiple factors and is not necessarily correlated directly to the size of the table.

so a simple proportion may be misleading and it is very hard to do.

If you really need this estimation, and you are allowed to, an approach could be to duplicate masked data from production to dev and perform PITR.

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answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

The golden rule is to never test in prod, however, testing your RPO and RTO for the system is important. If you do not have the same data in a lower environment, then I would test it in prod, PITR does not impact production tables in any way.

profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago

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