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Hello everyone,
I find myself in a situation similar to Hugo's. I recently transferred my DNS to AWS and set up my Hosted Zone. Subsequently, I requested the creation of a certificate through AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) using DNS validation, but I'm experiencing a delay in the validation process that has exceeded 24 hours. Has anyone encountered a solution or have any ideas about what might be going on?
I've checked that my DNS records are set up correctly in my Route 53 Hosted Zone and that the CNAME entries provided by ACM are in place. However, the validation process still hasn't completed.
Any suggestions or similar experiences you can share would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!,
In the CNAME, ensure you have NOT placed your domain name in the record value otherwise that will cause an issue. Also , is this route53 zone Public and defined on your Domain as your Name servers?
Yes, the route53 zone is public and defined on my domain as my name server. I added a screenshot for you to see. The name servers are my domain names like "mydomainename.com". There is my domain name in the CNAME record value but it's mandatory i can't delete it, i added another screenshot.
Not the domain name you have hidden, in the actual record name that starts _38d4.. scroll in that text box and remove your domain name from there
There is not my domain name in there
You have multiple zones? Did you create the cname in the correct zone? Are they all authoritive?
I have 4 zones, 1 for each domain name and each cname are in the correct zone i verified but i don't know if they are authoritive. How can i see it ?
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- AWS OFFICIALUpdated 7 months ago
Solved, the problem in my case was in the Name Server in the Domain configuration. After transferring the domain the Name server kept the previous values.
Ensure your NS (Name Server) values in your DNS configuration match the Name Servers in your domain's registrar settings. This alignment ensures smooth DNS resolution, critical for tasks like certificate validation.
Hosted Zone
Registered domains
I hope this might help anyone facing similar issues :)
Thank you for sharing the solution ! It was the same thing for me ! Now it works