Inconsitent Tone for Mathew with Neural Engine


I find a weird issue with the second sentence while using Mathew in Neural voice. The entire Tone of Mathew changes when starting the second sentence starting "In the code... SSML Text below: <speak><amazon:domain name="conversational"><prosody rate="85%"><break time="1s" />

<p>Process all gives the advantage in avoiding the mistakes that may occur due to accidental missing of any signal listing, renaming or any addition of new signal.</p> <p>In the code on the slide, process all implies process of A, B, SEL as A , B and SEL are the inputs red by the process MUX.</p> <break time="1s" /></prosody></amazon:domain></speak>
asked 2 years ago210 views
1 Answer

Hi, in my opinion, the length of the sentence affects the final result. I tried to break it with some pauses (<s/>) instead of commas and the pronunciation style changes a little (see example 1)

If you want a stronger result, you can switch from one style to another (see example 2)

<speak><amazon:domain name="conversational"><prosody rate="85%"><break time="1s" />

<p>Process all gives the advantage in avoiding the mistakes that may occur due to accidental missing of any signal listing, renaming or any addition of new signal.</p> <p>In the code on the slide<s/> process all implies process of A, B, SEL as A <s/>B and SEL are the inputs red by the process MUX.</p> <break time="1s" /></prosody></amazon:domain></speak>

<speak><break time="1s"/><amazon:domain name="conversational"><prosody rate="85%"><p/>

Process all gives the advantage in avoiding the mistakes that may occur due to accidental missing of any signal listing, renaming or any addition of new signal.</prosody></amazon:domain><p/>

<amazon:domain name="news"><prosody rate="85%"> In the code on the slide<s/> process all implies process of A, B, SEL as A , B <s/>and SEL are the inputs red by the process MUX.</prosody></amazon:domain><break time="1s"/></speak>

answered 2 years ago

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