Is it Possible to Create a Read Replica of an RDS Aurora PostgreSQL Instance Using Redis or Elastic? If So, How?


I am currently using an Amazon RDS Aurora PostgreSQL instance and am exploring options to create a read replica for scaling read operations. Specifically, I am interested in understanding if it is possible to use Redis or Elasticsearch for this purpose.

Is it technically feasible to create a read replica of an RDS Aurora PostgreSQL instance using Redis or Elasticsearch?
If it is possible, what are the steps involved in setting this up?
Are there any best practices or potential pitfalls I should be aware of when using Redis or Elasticsearch for this scenario?
How would the replication process work, and how would data synchronization be managed between the primary Aurora PostgreSQL instance and the read replica?

Any detailed guidance, references to documentation, or examples would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

asked 2 months ago101 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


No, you cannot create read replicas for RDS Aurora PostgreSQL using ElastiCache Redis.
By implementing ElastiCache, it is possible to cache queries that are read frequently (for example, web application session information) so that they do not access RDS Aurora every time.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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