BYOL EC2 Instance - Office 365 business Premium License


Team, Please suggest if we can install the Office 365 premium license on EC2 Windows 2022 datacenter edition. We already have office 365 business premium license in place.

asked 2 years ago534 views
1 Answer


Thank you for querying in this forum.

From your description, it seems that you want to know if you can apply already purchased Office 365 premium license on EC2 Windows Server 2022.

Technically, you should be able to apply your already purchased Office 365 Premium licenses to EC2 Windows, but the clarification of the licensing terms and whether having Office 365 licenses on top of EC2 Windows Server 2022 affects your license agreement? You'll have to contact Microsoft support once to see if that's the case. Anyways. I found a Microsoft document addressing a similar request at the following link.


Also read the license terms and choose the AWS model that fits your needs. In general, there are different products with different levels of BYOL support. Note that while most BYOL scenarios are supported using Dedicated Hosts, only certain scenarios are supported with Dedicated Instances. The application of licenses to EC2 Windows also depends on the license type. This is because certain licensing agreements require the use of dedicated hosts rather than instances running on shared hosts. I also found an article saying that support for running Microsoft 365 Apps on Windows Server 2022 is currently in preview. To start testing on Windows Server 2022, it is recommend to use the latest version of Microsoft 365 Apps supported by Current Channel.


For final word and confirmation, contact Microsoft support once to avoid any possible license terms violations.

Hope the above information helps!!

Additional Resources:

answered 2 years ago

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