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I have a Route inside the API HTTP Gateway that redirect to my MVPS machine. On this machine are resident the APIs used by our SW infrastructure. Sometimes, from our WebAPP, we received an error 503, this error is not log on our MVPS. We already activate CloudWatch and obtain this information about the error:

  • errMsg - Service Unavailable
  • httpMethod - OPTIONS
  • intError - Request failed due to a network error communicating with the endpoint.

I ran some additional tests to try to find out more information.

The APIs are reachable and working, sometimes the answer I get is the previous one. Using Postman Canary I did a performance test of my hosted API via API Gateway and I get this error with an average of 0.45%. When I receive this error I have no sign of the message on the MVPS machine. Differently the result of the call I receive is correctly logged by the API, so I have a match on the machine MVPS.

Any suggestion on how to solve it, or at least reduce? Thanks

1 Answer

The error indicates a routing failure, meaning traffic cannot reach the endpoint due to various underlying problems. First, ensure the EC2 instances are healthy and sized correctly for the workload. Then, review the application logs on the EC2 instances and check CloudWatch logs for any API Gateway or EC2 errors or clues. To pinpoint the issue, try running on a different EC2 instance. This will help determine if the problem is with the instance or its configuration.

answered a month ago
  • I ran some additional tests to try to find out more information.

    The APIs are reachable and working, sometimes the answer I get is the previous one. Using Postman Canary I did a performance test of my hosted API via API Gateway, I got 0.45% of this 503 error response. When I receive this error I have no sign of the message on the MVPS machine. Differently the result of the call I receive is correctly logged by the API, so I have a match on the machine MVPS.

    Could the problem always be one of those described?

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