SES Unknown Error - Verified Identities Disappeared


I'm suddenly getting a red banner across SES with the message "Unknown error Request failed with unknown error, ensure that you have the necessary permissions and that all fields have correct values. Server-side message: Network Failure"

I'm logged in as Root user. Logged in last week successfully. What other permissions are necessary? Where do I even look to fix this?

In addition, all previous Verified Identities are gone. I'm hoping when this Unknown Error is fixed, they will reappear....?

1 Answer


Are there any actions that are denied by AWS Organizations SCP etc.?
If you are a root user, you should be able to use all privileges, so there should be no need to set any policies.

It is also possible that the issue is with your AWS account, so it may be a good idea to open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing".

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answered 9 months ago
  • I opened a case and confirmed with the Account and Billing team there are no issues with the account. The SES Limit team also confirmed that the account should be operational with production access. But all I see is the big 'Unknown server-side' error, all Verified Identities are not showing, and a yellow notice saying it's back in Sandbox. Everything worked perfectly when I last logged in about a week ago.

    I've cleared cache, opened in incognito browser.

    Not sure what next steps should be.

  • I have the exact same problem, and cannot open a ticket on basic plan. Before I upgrade to developer plan to resolve this, was there any resolution? From your description, this seems like a systemic issue because I am seeing exactly what you are. All verified identities have disappeared, and I see that Unknown server-side error message all the time. So I cannot re-add the verified identities. Also, my account was out of sandbox, but now it says it's in sandbox. I see the previous post was 2 months ago. So if it's a systemic issue it is been going on for a while. If not, I would love to hear what we are doing wrong. The "unknown error" suggests its an AWS problem.

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