Request for Tools to Determine Best AWS Region for Cost-Efficient EC2 Spot Instances


I have a heavy scientific workload that requires more than 4000 vCPUs for around 12 hours. I will use AWS Batch to orchestrate the workload. To make it cost-efficient, I am looking to use EC2 Spot Instances for all worker nodes.

Since multiple parameters are involved in the cost and availability of Spot Instances, I am wondering how I can find the best region to deploy this workload in terms of having high available capacity, low hourly price, and low interruption risk (my workload can tolerate interruptions). Additionally, this workload will generate over 20TB of data on S3 storage that should be downloaded, so we need to consider the cost of data egress fees for the regions as well.

My question is: Are there any programmatic tools or methods that can help find regions with high availability and low cost for the desired EC2 Spot Instances?

asked 6 months ago179 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


Please try this solution.

The best AWS region for cost-efficient EC2 Spot Instances use the AWS Spot Instance Advisor to identify regions with low interruption rates and high savings. Then use the AWS CLI to check the current Spot prices for your required instance types (EX. c5.9xlarge, c5.18xlarge) and compare prices across regions. Next set up an AWS Batch compute environment via the AWS Management Console, selecting "Managed" and "SPOT" as the compute resource type and specifying the maximum vCPUs and desired instance types. Lastly, consider data transfer costs by using the AWS Pricing Calculator to estimate data egress fees for your selected regions. you can quickly and easily determine the most cost-effective region for your Spot Instance workload.

if you need more information, please go through the AWS Document Link.

answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
reviewed 6 months ago

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