Unable to upgrade RDS Aurora (MySQL 5.7) 2.11.3 to Aurora MySQL 3.x (MySQL 8.0 compatible) with Serverless capacity type


We have been exploring the upgrade path for our Aurora Serverless v2 clusters (MySQL 5.7) to Aurora MySQL 3.x (MySQL 8.0 compatible) and tried the snapshot-restore process, but there doesn't seem to be a direct upgrade option available of selecting the new engine version while restoring the snapshot with Serverless capacity type.

Listing down the steps that were followed for reference:

  1. Created a snapshot of the existing database.
  2. While restoring the snapshot, I only see one available version, i.e. Aurora MySQL 5.7 on which the cluster is currently when the Capacity type is Serverless.
  3. I only get other available Aurora MySQL 3.x (compatible with MySQL 8.0) versions if I switch the Capacity type is Provisioned.
  4. Also tried upgrading using AWS CLI and followed example steps from this doc), it does show the intended version as compatible versions as output but fails when restoring the snapshot with error ->
An error occurred (InvalidParameterCombination) when calling the RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot operation: The engine version you requested for your restored DB cluster (8.0.mysql_aurora.3.05.0) is not compatible with the engine version of the DB cluster snapshot (5.7.mysql_aurora.2.11.3).

I also find it strange that if I try to create a new database, I do see an option to choose the new MySQL versions with Serverless v2 option, so it doesn't seem to be a compatibility issue.

Would really appreciate it if we could get some insights on what might be the problem here or if there are any know limitations with upgrading Aurora Serverless v2 clusters this way.

Thanks in advance!

2 Answers

Hi, There is no direct upgrade path from Amazon Aurora Serverless V1(MySQL 5.7) to V2 (MySQL 8.0). Below is a blog post below that provides an upgrade path that allows you to go from an Amazon Serverless v1 DB to a provisioned Aurora cluster with only a 30-second failover. Then you can use the new blue/green deployment to upgrade the DB to a version supported by Aurora Serverless v2, and add a serverless instance to your cluster. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/upgrade-from-amazon-aurora-serverless-v1-to-v2-with-minimal-downtime/

Regards, Ranjini

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
  • Thanks for your response, Ranjini. I found the same blog post you shared and could get ahead with the upgrade, but it was not seamless. While switching over from Blue deployment to Green, the database was stuck in 'Switching Over' state for around 20 hours before it rolled back and went to 'Available' state again (even with switchover timeout set to 5 mins). During this time the database was unavailable and we had to switch our application to use the backup database server. Not sure if you have come across a similar issue in the past with this upgrade path.

  • While trying this the 2nd time, the database is stuck in 'Modifying' state after being migrated from Serverless to provisioned cluster. It has added a provisioned reader instance which is available, but the cluster state is still 'Modifying' after 2 days which makes it unavailable for any further modifications.


HI Anu,

Thanks for your response! If you are having an issue with the switch-over, I would recommend opening a support case as they have access to tools that can help to troubleshoot the issue.



profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago

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