Choosing RDS PostgreSQL over Aurora PostgreSQL


From the documentation it is clear that Aurora PostgreSQL is right fit for highly concurrent workload. When to use RDS PostgreSQL compared to Aurora PostgreSQL? For example: RDS PostgreSQL offers more major and minor versions compared to Aurora PostgreSQL, similarly are there any limitations that we need to aware of before deciding on RDS PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL?

asked 2 years ago10104 views
2 Answers
profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Hello, I am author of the this AWS blog. RDS PostgreSQL and Aurora PostgreSQL have different architecture and use-cases. Charges also vary for these both. While most of the workloads will be good fit for RDS PostgreSQL, Aurora PostgreSQL provides higher performance for high concurrent write throughput workloads. Some additional features such as higher number of readers, better DR, cluster cache management, cloning are some of the additional features in APG. I would suggest to use pgBench for performance bench-marking, AWS pricing calculator for overall pricing.

answered 2 years ago

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