Inquiry regarding AWS Essential Media Live


I am interested in getting the aws essential media live link device but I have a few questions I need answers to. One of them is does this device create any tunnels. If so or not, I am able to create routing pathways to avoid accessing other subnets? Where are these tunnels initiated? If I have more questions and if you could offer as much information about this as you can we would greatly appreciate it. I hope this request finds you well and have a great day!

asked a year ago405 views
1 Answer

Are you referring to the AWS Elemental Link device? The low cost device is designed to accept camera inputs and deliver a video stream to AWS MediaLive for creation of live streaming. You can find information about Elemental Link device at the following links.

As to the questions of tunneling, there is no need to concern about that. When an Elemental Link is purchased, it will show in your AWS MediaLive consode as a 'Device'. The control and connection to the device is automatic. When using a Link, you associate the 'Device' with a MediaLive 'Input', then that input is connected to a MediaLive 'Channel'.

To purchase an Elemental Link device, from the AWS console, navigate to Elemental Appliances and Software. There you will find on the left AWS Elemental Link, where you can place orders for the devices.

answered a year ago

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