AWS Workspaces disconnecting after create new Workspace


I'm using AWS Workspaces with the Workspaces client on mac and I get the error message:

Disconnected. You have been disconnected, either because you also logged in from another location, your host was shut down or restarted, or a network error occccured. Try to log in again. If you're unable to log in, contact your WorkSpaces administrator for help.

This error started to happen after I deleted a Workspace and created a new one. I've tried rebooting, rebuilding, restoring, etc. Network connection is healthy.

Do you know how can I fix it?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Are you trying to use an Ubuntu WorkSpace? That is the error you will get if you try to use the client on Mac today.

You can use web access as a workaround for now. You have to enable it.

The Mac client update is coming soon.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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