Login with Amazon in react native app


Hello AWS Team, We need to add Login with Amazon functionality to our application developed with React Native. Do you have a ready example of a React Native application that we can use for this purpose? If so, could you share an example that works on platforms like GitLab, GitHub, etc. with us?

Boss IT
asked 8 months ago538 views
2 Answers

Using Amazon Cognito you can leverage several auth providers, including Amazon as a User Pool.

Here you can find a pattern for building a serverless React Native mobile app by using AWS Amplify that you can use as reference.

profile pictureAWS
answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
  • Hello Ibrahim, Thank you for quick response. I completed the coding by following the instructions in this link: https://docs.amplify.aws/react-native/prev/build-a-backend/auth/add-social-provider/ before. However, when I click on the login with amazon button on mobile, after being redirected to the browser, when I log in by entering the amazon user e-mail and password, I do not receive an error, I am redirected to the mobile screen again. A jwt token needs to appear in this section. According to this document, how can I get the jwt token?


Thank you for quick response.

Boss IT
answered 8 months ago

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