Virtual-hosted–style access not working in ap-northeast-1


Does AP-NORTHEAST-1 region support S3 Virtual-hosted–style access or is there any setting that needs to be enabled in bucket properties? I am able to access the bucket and objects with as host in Cyberduck but not with


asked a year ago238 views
1 Answer

Yes, ap-northeast-1 also supports virtual host-style access.

By the way, what error do you get when you access the site?

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answered a year ago
  • Thank you for the response, when I use the Virtual Hosted style URL(, I am able to access the bucket and see objects but not able to access subfolders. I was getting an Access denied error. But, I am able to access the same subfolder with path style URL as host and bucket in the path.

  • I also downloaded Cyberduck and tried it. It failed with the following error. If you look at the error carefully, you will see that the "host" to be accessed is "", which causes an HTTP 404 error. We expect that this is probably caused by the specification of the Cyberduck program to create the URL to be accessed. cy

  • Yes, I saw the same host (, and not sure why it is doing it. I believe I just have to use path styled URL with Cyberduck. I used the same tool with buckets in US-EAST-1 region before and worked fine. I just observed that it is working fine (with the same bucket in ap-northeast-1) if I remove the region from the URL. i.e., or if I supply bucket in the path filed instead of the host with the region in URL. i.e., host path: bucket/dir. Thank you!

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