Amazon SMS delivery success rate for a specific country


Currently my organisation is facing lot of issues dealing with local sms providers, and they are looking for a new SMS provider local to specific country as there is a understanding that local SMS providers are much reliable than global sms providers, how much of this is true?

I am thinking of proposing to use Amazon pinpoint for sms service, but for this I need some additional information such as:

  1. SMS delivery success rate for Amazon pinpoint for a specific country
  2. any restrictions/constraints for SMS service for specific countries

Where can I find the above information?

1 Answer

Hi, you should probably read this recent blog:

The section "Best Practices for Sending" answers some of your points.

Also, this blog post provides an architecture to share and control your SMS traffic:

Finally, on cost side, have a look at

In all cases, I would suggest an incremental shift - maybe starting with the countries / telcos where you currently have most problems - to AWS Pinpoint to mitigate the risk of the transition and get enough time to learn to better work at full scale later on.

Hope it helps,


profile pictureAWS
answered 8 months ago

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