Does EMR 5.36 use Tomcat EncryptInterceptor feature ?


We are running an application based on EMR 5.36.0, and our security scans note several "high" impact Tomcat vulnerability (used internally by EMR). The last 5.x release was July 2022, and Tomcat was last updated as part of EMR in 5.35. Question: Is there any official AWS documentation on whether the EMR cluster is affected by the specified CVE (CVE 2022-29885)?

(NVD)CVE 2022-29885 Description The documentation of Apache Tomcat 10.1.0-M1 to 10.1.0-M14, 10.0.0-M1 to 10.0.20, 9.0.13 to 9.0.62 and 8.5.38 to 8.5.78 for the EncryptInterceptor incorrectly stated it enabled Tomcat clustering to run over an untrusted network. This was not correct. While the EncryptInterceptor does provide confidentiality and integrity protection, it does not protect against all risks associated with running over any untrusted network, particularly DoS risks.

asked a year ago50 views
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