How to create a user in a SimpleAD directory remotely through python.



I'm currently working on a project in which i need to create users in a Simple Ad remotely and programatically. To achieve this I was using the boto3 call "create_users" of workdocs, but now I'm looking for how to do this through ldap.

I'm trying to connect to my directory using the ldap3 library for python, but the connection times out every time. I'm using the directory DNS name (ex: to make the connection.

Thank you

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asked 21 days ago120 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer
  • Ensure that the DNS name is resolvable from the machine running your Python script.
  • You must have network connectivity between the machine where you execute your script and AD server (VPN, Peering, etc.)
  • Verify that the necessary ports (default LDAP port 389 or LDAPS port 636) are open and accessible, check Security Groups and NACLs
  • Ensure that the user credentials you are using have sufficient permissions to create new users in the directory.
  • If using a firewall or VPN, check if they are allowing LDAP traffic.
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answered 20 days ago

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