API gateway issue


I have two api gateways. One for test and one for uat.

Uat I added up a personal ipaddress to security group and to resource policy of the api gateway, and i can reach it, for test I done the same but cannot reach that, well actually I do reach it but get a 403 error I think. What is actually happening is when I go to the website and hit the submit button the api gateway should come back with a form but I get a spinning wheel on the website, again it works perfectly in uat, the only difference between the two of them is that test is on a network load balancer and uat is on an application load balancer but that shouldn’t matter since I can get to the website. Please help

asked a year ago224 views
1 Answer

Hi you said you added your personal ipaddress to a security group - which one? If it's on your web server then you will get different behaviour between NLB & ALB because NLB preserves Source IP (except for IP-address targets) whereas servers behind an ALB see the ALB IPs as source IPs.

answered a year ago

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