EC2 "Instance reachability check failed" network adapter disabled



My employee has accidentally went into the settings of windows and turned off the network adapter. Now we can connect to the server and receive "Instance reachability check failed" error in the status. Which makes sense. How can we solve this situation and re-enable the network adapter?

Thank you, Or M CTO

asked 24 days ago257 views
2 Answers


You may find the troubleshooting information in the following documents helpful.
I think you will be able to connect by creating a new ENI and replacing it.

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answered 24 days ago
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reviewed 20 days ago

The below blog can address your issue,key%20locally%20on%20your%20client.

You cna access the instance using EC2 Serial Console. EC2 Serial Console provides a Secure Shell (SSH) to securely access SAC via your Windows EC2 instance’s virtual serial port. Connection to the virtual serial port does not require instance network connectivity. Therefore, you can use EC2 Serial Console to fix the networking misconfiguration.

profile pictureAWS
answered 23 days ago

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