PowerShell script to Start and Stop of SAP Services and Ec2 instance running on windows platform using SSM


To start and stop the SAP services (App , SCS, HANA DB etc. ) on widows platform do have any PowerShell Script to automate the Start and Stop operation of SAP services and ec2 Instance using SSM.

asked 3 years ago558 views
1 Answer

Select **Documents **from the SSM Nav bar. Search for AWS-RunPowerShellScript. Follow the hyperlink that is its name. Click the Run Command button. This brings you to a dialog where you can input PowerShell. Something like "Stop-Service -Name "SAP_ServiceName" on a separate line for each on you want to stop (Start-Service -Name "SAP_ServiceName" to start). In targets section **choose instances manually **brings up a data table to select from your EC2 instances to run it on. You can disable s3 output or select a bucket to drop stderr and stdout to. Then click Run.

answered 3 years ago

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