Cloudfront Doesn't Appear at the "Free Tier offers in use"



My free teer has expired a couple days ago, looking in the section "Free Tier Offers in Use" cloudfront doesn't appear, i need this information for consult usage and free tier metrics. I have a cloudfront distribution in use and its working fine.

Reading documentation about cloudfront, it have a "permanent" free tier, however, i didn't find the metrics who i used to see.

Please, can you guide me?

asked a month ago41 views
1 Answer

You need to monitor your Data Transfer and Number of Requests to figure out if you are within Free Tier limits

Included in Always Free Tier
1 TB of data transfer out to the internet per month
10,000,000 HTTP or HTTPS Requests per month
2,000,000 CloudFront Function invocations per month
2,000,000 CloudFront KeyValueStore reads per month
Free SSL certificates
No limitations, all features available

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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