Unexpected billing amount


I am using aws as learning. But i have no knowledge about billing. suddenly i saw aws billing dashboard Amount USD 837is charge please remove this amount because i am still a student and not in a position to pay the amount, I signed up to AWS Sagemaker because it is mentioned as free tier and first 12 months as free. Kindly remove the bill, even suspend my account, I am not able to pay the bill

2 Answers


Sorry for the concern, Srinivasan. In this case I suggest reaching out to our Account & Billing team directly via our Support Center: go.aws/support-center. They'll have the tools and visibility needed to further assist you. I also found these docs that may help: go.aws/resources-unexpected-charges & go.aws/free-tier-overview.

— Sage A.

answered 8 months ago

The AWS Re:Post community doesn't have visibility of billing within your account, in these circumstances, as @AWS Support-Sage says, your best course of action is to log a billing support case https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/billing-get-answers.html#billing-support

I'm curious when you say:

I signed up to AWS Sagemaker because it is mentioned as free tier and first 12 months as free

SageMaker isn't free for 12 months. You get a limited number of hours free per-month for two months, not unlimited free access for 12 months https://aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/pricing/#Amazon_SageMaker_Free_Tier

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answered 8 months ago

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