Reduce RDS Aurora MySQL instance size


Hi, just experimenting with RDS and created an Aurora MySQL db, what i thought was in the free tier.

I've just seen that it's actually selected a "db.r6g.large" and is costing me over $200 a month!

Ideally i want to come back into the free tier with a micro sized instance, but can't see the option to, i can only see a medium.

I've also looked at doing a blue/green deployment to change the instances, but again , this only gives me the option to create another db.r6g.large.

Is there any way to get down to a micro instance without losing any data?

  • Update, even trying to downgrade to the t3.medium size i get a message "Performance Insights not supported for this configuration, please disable this feature." But there is no option anywhere to turn off Performance Insights...

1 Answer


Yes, you can change your Aurora MySQL DB instance to a smaller instance type without losing data, although there are several steps involved and some downtime may be required.

  1. Snapshot Your Database Before making any changes, it's a good idea to take a manual snapshot of your Aurora database to ensure that you have a backup in case anything goes wrong. You can do this via the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs.

  2. Check Aurora MySQL Version Ensure that your Aurora MySQL version is compatible with the db.t3.micro instance type. You may need to upgrade your database engine version to ensure compatibility.

  3. Modify the DB Instance Once you have a snapshot and have confirmed compatibility, you can modify the DB instance:

  • Via AWS Management Console:
  • Open the Amazon RDS console.
  • In the navigation pane, choose “Databases.”
  • Choose the DB instance that you want to modify.
  • Choose “Modify.”
  • In the “DB Instance Class” section, choose “db.t3.micro” or another eligible free tier instance type.
  • Choose “Continue” and check the summary of modifications.
  • Choose “Apply Immediately” to apply the changes right away. If you don't choose this option, the changes will be applied during your next maintenance window.
  • Choose “Modify DB Instance.”

Regards, Andrii

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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