Attachment files seem to be missing at the recipient's end.


.I am writing to report an issue related to email attachments in our AWS environment. We have noticed that attachments exceeding 1MB in size are not being successfully sent via our email services. The email body is delivered successfully, but any attached files seem to be missing at the recipient's end.

And, I attached my sample code for email send with attachment using php.

Please investigate this issue and provide guidance on why email attachments are not reaching recipients. If additional information is needed, please let us know.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

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  • IS the message received by the recipient without the attachment, or do you get an error when you try and send an attachment larger than 1MB?

asked 5 months ago166 views
1 Answer


SES allows sending mails (including attachments) upto 10MB if using SESv1 API and 40MB if using SESv2 API or SMTP. If the total message size exceeds these limits, the mail is not accepted by SES.

If SES is accepting the message and delivering to end recipient without the attachment, it is possible that the attachment is not added in the message from the application side and would recommend you to review the code and application level logs.

We can inspect SES internal logs for your mail to confirm the same. As this involves working on internal information of your account, I would request you to reach to AWS Premium Support via a technical support case.

answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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