Major version upgrade MySQL 5.7 to major version 8.0 default


Hello Team I want to upgrade my MySQL database from version 5.7 major to version 8.0 RDS. I made a two-way attempt.

  1. In place upgrade: Modify Cluster not worked
  2. Created new Database form Snap shot but not worked Can someone assist me with this?
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asked 4 months ago1833 views
1 Answer


Please check recent events for your instance you will see messages related to upgrade, it is possible that you see events related to failure of PrePatchCompatibility checks.

Viewing Amazon RDS events [+]

Please follow below article to download and diagnose the PrePatchCompatibility log file, resolve the raised errors and then you could proceed with upgrade. [Note: For Aurora MySQL you will find upgrade-prechecks.log file ] [+]

answered 4 months ago

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