Auto upgrade of Amazon Aurora Serverless v1 to Amazon Aurora Serverless v2


I have received the deprecation notice about v1. Of course, saw it coming as any progress has stopped on v1.

But it has a peculiar note:

Starting on or after 12:00 PM PST on December 31, 2024, if your Amazon Aurora Serverless v1 cluster has not been upgraded, Amazon Aurora will automatically upgrade your Amazon Aurora Serverless v1 cluster to Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 during your next scheduled cluster maintenance window. If your Aurora Serverless v1 cluster is running an engine version that is not available for Aurora Serverless v2, it will be upgraded to an engine version compatible with Aurora Serverless v2.

So if Amazon could automatically migrate it, why not provide that option today? The main reason we have not upgraded, is because the migration path is so convoluted.

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asked 8 months ago1307 views
1 Answer

Customers retain control over their upgrade timing by choosing to perform it manually using the documented steps beforehand. The automatic option is a fallback if they are unable to upgrade proactively. Over time, as more customers complete the migration, AWS may learn lessons that could streamline the automated process further. But a controlled, voluntary migration allows gathering feedback first. Learn > Add to automated upgrade process (but could be failed in customer's certain condition) So if your env is production, my suggestion would be to schedule an upgrade as soon as feasible following the steps in the documentation.

answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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