RDS Database with 70GB of data takes 3-4 hours to stop...



We've got a RDS database that is taking ridiculously long to stop, it starts back up within 4-5 mins~

  • Instance Class: db.t4g.large
  • Engine: PostgreSQL
  • Engine Version: 12.11
  • Multi-AZ: No
  • Storage Type: SSD (gp2)
  • Storage: 150GB (70GB used)
  • Performance Insights: Disabled
  • Cloudwatch: Enabled

A backup of the instance takes 45 mins to complete, so even with the "hidden snapshot" it should only take 50~ mins max... why is it taking so long to stop an RDS instance?

I'd greatly appreciate suggestions and advice.


asked 2 years ago244 views
1 Answer
  1. Analyze pg_stat_activity, pg_stat_statements for the DB activity and long running queries during that time
  2. Take pg_badger report during the window and analyze the session/queries
  3. If possible, enable Performance insights and check what is top events and top SQLs during the window
answered 2 years ago

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