Best way to Backup a Bitnami Wordpress Website without a Plugin?


I have a small ec2 instance running bitnami WP and I was wondering what will be the best way to do a full website backup (DB included) to be able to restore it back in case something goes wrong. I been looking at S3 buckets as well as AWS Backup service, though not sure if those will back up the entire volume and then just attached the volume back to the instance? Or can I just manually copy my /opt/bitnami folder locally using FileZilla or do I have to use Putty and commands lines to zip and make a copy of the folders according to this guide

Just wondering what is the best bullet proof since I will be running an E commerce on my the instance. Thank you in advance.

asked a year ago509 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


You should definitely use AWS Backup for your EC2 and EBS: see

AWS Backup is a fully-managed service that makes it easy to centralize and automate data protection 
across AWS services, in the cloud, and on premises. Using this service, you can configure backup 
policies and monitor activity for your AWS resources in one place. It allows you to automate and 
consolidate backup tasks that were previously performed service-by-service, and removes the need 
to create custom scripts and manual processes. With a few clicks in the AWS Backup console, you can 
automate your data protection policies and schedules.

AWS Backup does not govern backups you take in your AWS environment outside of AWS Backup. 
Therefore, if you want a centralized, end-to-end solution for business and regulatory compliance 
requirements, start using AWS Backup today.

Give a detailled read at the page above: it requires lots of work to develop equivalent features.

AWS Backup has a very solid list of references:



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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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