VMware Cloud on AWS and AWS External IP range for firewall access


A customer is configuring firewall rules between their test on-premises environment and the VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC) on Software Defined Data Center (SDDC). Since, they won’t know the allocated Public IP Addresses for the SDDC HCX and vCenter Instances until the SDDC is deployed, their security team would like to add the AWS Public IP Address Pools to the required FW rules.

I know we have the AWS IP Ranges JSON. From my research it appears that Elastic IPs can be from the AMAZON or the EC2 service pools.

Do the SDDC and appliances (for example: HCX and vCenter) receive a public IP Address from the EC2 & AMAZON Service Pools from this list?

asked 4 years ago1212 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Correct, we allocate from "EC2". If you check the following blog, IP was allocated from the block found in IP ranges JSON file:

  "ip_prefix": "",
  "region": "eu-central-1",
  "service": "EC2",
  "network_border_group": "eu-central-1"

You can further scope down the filter by using AWS Region to match where SDDC is going to be deployed.

profile pictureAWS
answered 4 years ago

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