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Hello check these steps to complete the task
Here's a simplified breakdown of deploying a 3-tier web application on AWS using CodePipeline with both EC2 and ECS options:
Code Repository: Store your application code (web tier, app tier, database tier) in a version control system like Git. ECR Repository: Create an Amazon ECR repository to store Docker images for your application components.
CodePipeline Stages:
Source: Connect CodePipeline to your Git repository to trigger deployments on code changes.
Build (EC2): Use CodeBuild with a buildspec.yml file to: Build and package your application code for each tier. Create Docker images for each tier (if using).
Deploy the application on EC2 instances using tools like CodeDeploy. Build (ECS): (Similar to EC2 Build but with ECS specifics)
Use CodeBuild to build Docker images. Define ECS Cluster, Tasks, and Services to run containerized application on ECS. Approval (Optional): Add a manual approval stage for human review before deployment. Deploy: Configure CodeDeploy to deploy the application to the chosen environment (EC2 instances or ECS cluster).
EC2 deployment is simpler but less scalable. ECS offers better scalability and containerization benefits. Secure your deployments with IAM roles and permissions.
Deploying a Three-Tier Web Application on AWS with CodePipeline:
- A three-tier web application with separate presentation, application, and data tiers.
- Familiarity with AWS services like EC2, ECS, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, and RDS.
Choosing Your Deployment Method:
EC2: Suitable for simpler applications or those requiring direct control over underlying infrastructure.
ECS: Ideal for containerized applications or those aiming for greater scalability and flexibility. Deployment Steps (Choose EC2 or ECS):
1. VPC and Subnets:
- Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to isolate your application resources.
- Define two public subnets for the presentation tier and application tier within the VPC.
- Create a private subnet for the database instance (optional for EC2, mandatory for ECS).
2. Security Groups:
Presentation Tier Security Group (SG1):
- Inbound: Allow HTTP/HTTPS traffic from the internet ( on port 80/443.
- Outbound: Allow all outbound traffic.
Application Tier Security Group (SG2):
- Inbound: Allow HTTP traffic from the presentation tier SG (SG1) on port 80.
- Inbound: Allow SSH access from your IP address (replace <YOUR_IP> with your actual IP) on port 22 (optional).
- Outbound: Allow all outbound traffic.
Database Security Group (SG3 - for ECS only):
- Inbound: Allow database access only from the application tier SG (SG2) on the designated database port (e.g., 3306 for MySQL).
- Outbound: Allow all outbound traffic.
3. RDS Database:
- Create an RDS database instance (e.g., MySQL) in a private subnet with appropriate storage and instance type.
- Configure database credentials and security settings within the RDS instance.
4. CodeBuild Project (Optional):
- Create a CodeBuild project to automate building your application code.
- Configure build commands and environment variables specific to your application.
5. CodePipeline:
Create a CodePipeline with three stages: Source, Build (optional), and Deploy.
Source Stage:
- Connect your code repository (e.g., GitHub) to the pipeline.
Build Stage (Optional - for EC2 & mandatory for ECS):
- Use CodeBuild project created in step 4 to build your application code (EC2) or Docker images (ECS).
Deploy Stage: 1. EC2 Deployment:
- Use CodeDeploy to deploy the built artifact (AMI) to EC2 instances.
- Configure CodeDeploy with the following:
- Deployment Group: Create a deployment group with the application tier EC2 instances and the appropriate security group (SG2).
- Deployment Configuration: Use a CodeDeploy agent pre-installed on the EC2 instances.
- Deployment Type: Choose "In-place" deployment.
2. ECS Deployment:
- Use CodeDeploy to deploy the built Docker images to your ECS cluster.
- Configure CodeDeploy with the following:
- Deployment Group: Create a deployment group with your ECS cluster and service definition (explained later).
- EC2 Instances (for EC2 Deployment):
- Launch EC2 instances in a public subnet with the application tier AMI (if using a Build Stage) or your base application image.
- Configure the instances with the application tier security group (SG2).
- Install a web server (e.g., Apache) and configure it to serve your application.
7. ECS Cluster and Service (for ECS Deployment):
- Create an ECS cluster to manage your containerized application.
- Define an ECS Task Definition with your container image (from the Build Stage) and resource requirements (CPU, memory).
- Create an ECS Service that runs the Task Definition on the ECS cluster.
- Configure the service with desired task count, launch type (e.g., Fargate), and load balancer (ALB in your VPC).
8. Application Load Balancer (ALB):
- Create an Application Load Balancer (ALB) in your VPC.
- Configure the ALB to route traffic to the presentation tier security group (SG1).
- For EC2 deployment, register your EC2 instances with the ALB target group.
- For ECS deployment, the ECS service automatically registers tasks with
Hi Mahendra Kumar V,
Please go through the below steps I hope it will helps to resolve your issue.
1. Set Up Your AWS Environment
IAM Roles:
- Create an IAM role for EC2 with AmazonEC2FullAccess.
- Create an IAM role for ECS tasks with AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy.
- Create an IAM role for Code Pipeline with AWSCodePipelineFullAccess.
- Use the VPC wizard to create a VPC with public and private subnets.
- Ensure you have subnets in at least two availability zones.
S3 Bucket:
- Create an S3 bucket for storing build artifacts.
- Configure bucket policies to allow access from Code Pipeline.
2. Create and Configure the Code Pipeline
Source Stage:
- In the AWS CodePipeline console, create a new pipeline.
- Select the source provider (e.g., GitHub) and connect your repository.
Build Stage:
- Create a CodeBuild project.
- Define a buildspec.yml in your repository:
version: 0.2
nodejs: 14
- npm install
- npm run build
- '**/*'
discard-paths: yes
3. Deploy the Application Using EC2
EC2 Instances:
- Launch EC2 instances in your private subnets.
- Install necessary software (e.g., Apache, Nginx, Node.js).
RDS Instance:
- Create an RDS instance in your private subnets.
- Configure security groups to allow access from the application instances.
Application Load Balancer:
- Create an ALB in the public subnets.
- Register EC2 instances as targets.
Deploy Using CodeDeploy:
- Create a CodeDeploy application and deployment group.
- Define an appspec.yml in your repository:
version: 0.0
os: linux
- source: /
destination: /var/www/html
- location: scripts/restart_server.sh
timeout: 300
- Integrate CodeDeploy into CodePipeline.
4. Deploy the Application Using ECS
ECS Cluster:
- Create an ECS cluster using Fargate or EC2 launch type.
- Define task definitions and services for your application.
Application Load Balancer:
- Set up an ALB with listeners and target groups for your ECS services.
ECR Repository:
- Create an ECR repository and push your Docker images:
$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region <your-region>)
docker build -t <your-image> .
docker tag <your-image>:latest <account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region>.amazonaws.com/<your-repo>:latest
docker push <account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region>.amazonaws.com/<your-repo>:latest
Deploy Using CodePipeline:
- Add an ECS deployment stage to your pipeline.
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Hi Garre Sandeep,
Am really happy to see this clear step by step process. Could you please share me the architect for the above process.
That will very helpful for further proceeding.
Thanks, MahendraKumar V