Automate RDS (PostgreSQL) snapshot to another region


Hi Support, We are at our limit of replicated snapshots to a specific region (Oregon, us-west-2). Is there a way to automatically create a snapshot and automatically copy it to that same region?

I came across a similar question: but reading the answer given, is not clear to me if this is possible or how.

Thank you for your time and help. Best Regards, Donald

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asked 23 days ago529 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi Support, in reading the provided link ( , I came across this: | AWS Documentation says: "You can have up to 20 snapshot copy requests in progress to a single destination Region per account." | We already have (20) replications going to Oregon. So are we at our limit for snapshot copy requests too for the Oregon region ? IE, we can't send anything else to Oregon region b/c we are at our (20) limit...

Thank you for your time and help! Best Regards, Donald

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answered 23 days ago
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reviewed 22 days ago


If you want to disable automated snapshots in RDS to be replicated to (Oregon, us-west-2). You can follow these steps:

This will ensure that automated snapshot feature is still enabled and be stored in the same region as the RDS instance but no longer copied to your specified region(Oregon, us-west-2).

I hope this the solution you're looking, Right? If you're using AWS Backup to replicate snapshots then it's a different way on how to do it.

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answered 23 days ago
  • Thank you for your quick reply! We have AWS backup and snapshots in place, I'd show the screenshot of these backups but I don't see how to attach or place the screenshot here.. "Backup Automated backups Enabled (30 Days) Copy tags to snapshots Disabled Backup target AWS Cloud (US East (Ohio)) "

    How do we automate copying these snapshots to another region without using replication?

  • Here's an example to automate copy snapshots to destination region using Amazon Event bridge and Lambda:

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