Group Policy grayed out


I am unable to overide the defualt passowrd policy of the Microsoft AD.

How can I achieve this, As I need to set the password policy to my users.

Please help me.

asked a year ago286 views
1 Answer

Hi Matte,

When you create an AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory, a default domain policy is created and applied to the directory.

To enforce custom password policies, you can use Fine-Grained Password Policies. They allow you to define additional password policies for groups of users you manage in your AWS Managed Microsoft AD domain.

You can learn more about that here:

To configure the policies, you can use standard Microsoft policy tools such as Active Directory Administrative Center:

To get started with the Microsoft policy tools, see Installing the Active Directory administration tools:

Sharing also some information on how to assign password policies to your users:

I hope this helps!


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answered a year ago

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