Error retrieving a secret value from secrets manager


I'm trying to retrieve a secret value from secrets manager using an API client via a post request.

I keep getting the following error in the response:

{ "Output": { "__type": "" }, "Version": "1.0" }

asked 3 years ago2.9K views
4 Answers

Is your secret value is JSON? if yes, please see if it is a valid jSON. SerializationException can occur if there is a missing comma, curly braces etc.

answered 3 years ago
  • The secret value is a string. If I use the AWS CLI, it works but when I try to retrieve the secret value by making a call to the secret manager service via the API endpoint, I get that exception error.


My guess is that this appears to be a malformed API request parameter. It seems that many others have had similar issues. Please refer to the following URL.

profile picture
answered 3 years ago

OK, thanks, tried a couple of different things. Now I'm getting an "UnknownOperationException":

{ "Output": { "__type": "" }, "Version": "1.0" }

answered 3 years ago

Figured it out. There was a syntax error in the request body JSON.

answered 3 years ago

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