Hello all,
I am new to AWS. I have made a flask app in python for my website.
Before hosting it, I of course have tested it in my localhost, and it ran successfully.
Then I hosted it following https://github.com/yeshwanthlm/YouTube/blob/main/flask-on-aws-ec2.md
After that I hosted it in AWS. The funny thing is, although it the index page runs, I cannot see any images/videos/musics that are stored in static/images or static/videos and so on (static folder is in the same directory as the app.py). Moreover, the other homepages are not working.
To recreate:
from flask import Flask, request, redirect, session, url_for, render_template, flash
app = Flask(__name__)
# Index route
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
# Team route
def team():
return render_template('team.html')
<div class="top-bar">
<div class="logo">
<img src="static/images/logo.png" alt="my website">ThinkLabsAI
<div class="menu">
<a href="#">Home</a>
<a href="/team">Meet the Team</a>
<a href="/connect">Connect</a>