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Why is the ARN for the phone numbers in the CUR records different from the ARN seen in the Connect console?


Hello everyone, I would like to inquire about the costs associated with the phone numbers in my Connect instance. I have opened the CUR to view the detailed cost records, but I noticed that the ARN for the numbers recorded in the CUR does not match the ARN I see in the Connect console. I want to understand the reason behind this discrepancy and how I can differentiate the costs for each phone number. Could someone please provide some guidance on this matter?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Currently, the phone number ARN displayed in the CUR does not match the ARN generated when you claimed the phone number. The Connect service team is aware of this customer requirement and is evaluating it as a potential new feature to be implemented in the future. As an alternative solution for now, you can try submitting a support case and request assistance from an engineer to address this issue.

answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
reviewed 4 months ago

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