My site is offline


I rebooted my site on lightsail because was offline and everything was fine again.

And now is offline again and i can´t put it online again. It last less than 3 hours online after start to work again.

I don´t know what is happening.

Can someone help me?


  • This isn't easy to answer without any additional information. Can you give us any more details? Such as the type of Lightsail app deployed, what is the health of the instance and other components. Do you have any logs you can share?

asked a year ago210 views
3 Answers

If your instance is unresponsive, review the status checks instance metrics to determine troubleshooting steps. Amazon Lightsail monitors the health of each instance with two status checks:

System status check: The system status check detects issues with the underlying host that your instance runs on. If the underlying host is unresponsive or unreachable due to network, hardware, or software issues, then this status check fails.

Instance status check: An instance status check failure indicates a problem with the instance due to operating system-level errors. OS-level errors include the following:

Failure to boot the operating system. Failure to mount volumes correctly. File system issues. Incompatible drivers. Kernel panic. Instance status checks might also fail due to over-utilization of resources. The following are three of the most common reasons that your health check might fail due to over-utilization of resources:

Your instance might operate in the burstable zone when under heavy load, This can make the instance unresponsive or cause the instance to crash. The root device is 100% full and the instance became stuck while booting. The processes running on the instance used all its memory, preventing the kernel from running.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • I´ll check all it out. I´m new on AWS and still learning how to use. Thanks a lot.


I´ll check all it out. I´m new on AWS and still learning how to use properly. Thanks a lot.

answered a year ago
  • Please accept the answer if it was useful for you



Thanks for using Lightsail. To add to the previous comment, we have some docs regarding instance metrics here:

In particular, this may be of interest for you as we believe is the problem you are running into:

answered a year ago

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