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How to monitor AWS Code Whisperer using CloudWatch?


Want to monitor the each api calls made by Code Whisperer. According to official documentation, Code Whisperer reports the metric in AWS/CodeWhisperer namespace. But not able to AWS/CodeWhisperer namespace. So please explain how to use CloudWatch to monitor Code Whisperer? Official documentation

1 Answer

I can able to find the "AWS/CodeWhisperer" namespace in the metrics. You can able to check the same using the below URL'timeSeriesstackedfalsemetrics(('AWS2fCodeWhisperer~'Invocations~'Dimension~'Count))region'us-east-1start'-PT1Hend'P0D)&query=~'7bAWS2fCodeWhisperer2cDimension*7d

[1] Monitoring CodeWhisperer with Amazon CloudWatch -

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answered 2 years ago
  • The link provided above displays invocations, but it still remains impossible to access the metric mentioned in the documentation: "DailyActiveUserTrend".

    Curious if you were able to.

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