AWS Backup - RDS Cluster or RDS Snapshot


I'm looking for advice around best practises for backing up a RDS cluster.

There is a requirement to store the backup in a different AWS account and region. I was going to use AWS Backup based on a tag - backup = True

AWS backup supports this but I'm wondering should be we backing up the RDS cluster or the RDS snapshot?

Also, do we need to set up a vault backup in the source account and destination account or can we just have the vault in the backup aws account?

2 Answers


I recommend backing up the automated snapshots created by RDS rather than the cluster itself because they capture your database and can be used for point-in-time restore. On the other hand single vault in the destination AWS account should be sufficient just make sure aws backup has sufficient access to backup the desired RDS in different accounts


answered 8 months ago

Hello ,

You might want to take a look at this and let me know if this solves your issue


answered 8 months ago

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