Rich preview for Amazon Links - Unfurler blocked by Amazon


Hi team, I have a customer who's akin to a "Pinterest for Education" where users create collections with pictures and other resources. I just got this question from them and I wonder if you had any suggestions to answer: "Just a quick query I am hoping you can provide some help with. When users add Amazon (retail) links to our site, Amazon blocks our link unfurler. All we really want is a nice image and a nice title. We integrate with a bunch of partner APIs already, and I was wondering if there is some program I can apply to to get access to snippets or something along those lines?" I can ask my customer for more background if it helps. Thank you.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer


You may want to look into the Product Advertising API [1] which allows you to pull the latest product image, price, etc. The only requirement to using this API is you must be an active Amazon Affiliate.


profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 10 months ago

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