InternalFailure error from Pipeline Resolver


I've created a basic Amplify project and am adding additional configuration (specifically a Pipeline Resolver) via CloudFormation. After pushing, everything looks okay and I can view the resolver in the console.
However, on executing a query, which invokes the resolver, I am getting an error of type "InternalFailure" and message "An internal failure occurred while resolving this field."

type Employee @model {
id: ID!
legacyId: Int
firstName: String
lastName: String
role: String

type Query {
getEmployeeV2(id: ID!): Employee

query GetEmployee {
getEmployeeV2(id: 123) {

The vtls contain the default settings for DynamoDB datasource.

The logs show nothing but ExecutionSummary, RequestSummary and Req/Resp Headers - nothing pertinent to this issue (as far as I can see).

Has anyone seen this sort of issue?

asked 5 years ago563 views
3 Answers

I've determined the cause of the error. The Pipeline Resolver 'Before mapping template' and 'After mapping template' were empty! They were being created from over-ride files in the project which were set as empty files (or rather, just comments).

The fix, of course, if to set the 'before template' to {} and the 'After template' to $util.toJson($ctx.result)

answered 5 years ago

Can you provide graphQlApiId and timestamp so that we can do further investigation?

answered 5 years ago

Hello I am facing the same error even though I have set {} in Before Mapping Template.

Before Mapping Template:


Function Request Mapping Template:

#set( $attribs = $util.dynamodb.toMapValues($context.args.input) )
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key" : {
## If object "id" should come from GraphQL arguments, change to $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($
"id": $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($util.autoId()),
"attributeValues" : $util.dynamodb.toMapValuesJson($attribs)

Function Response Mapping Template:

$util.error($ctx.error.message, $ctx.error.type)

Pass back the result from DynamoDB. **


After Mapping Template:


answered 4 years ago

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