A LightSail instance has stuck in Pending transition for 4 months.


I Deployed a LightSail instance at 2022-02-12. However, it failed because its been on Pending status for 4 months. I can't remove / stop / start / restart / reset / etc... it by dashboard or cli. The cli reports the following:

An error occurred (OperationFailureException) when calling the StopInstance operation: You cannot stop an instance while it is in transition. 'CentOS-1' is in transition (pending).

An error occurred (OperationFailureException) when calling the DeleteInstance operation: You cannot delete an instance while it is in transition. 'CentOS-1' is in transition (pending).

It starts billing me now, so anyone please advise me what to do. Thanks a lot.

ps: The point is, I am only have a basic support plan, there is NO tech support service for me as I know, but there is nothing I can do to delete the lightsail instance and it will be showed in my invoice every month while I'm not using it. I tried to reach the customer account support but they returned some useless documents for me.

asked 3 years ago1.5K views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

OK, at last, the CLI command works:

$ aws lightsail stop-instance --region My-Instance_Region --instance-name My-Instance-Name --force

The most important thing is use --force in aws lightsail stop-instance first.

The CLI retured the following

    "operations": [
            "id": "some-uuid",
            "resourceName": "My-Instance-Name",
            "resourceType": "Instance",
            "createdAt": "DateTime",
            "location": {
                "availabilityZone": "xxx",
                "regionName": "xxx"
            "isTerminal": false,
            "operationDetails": "",
            "operationType": "StopInstance,
            "status": "Started",
            "statusChangedAt": "DateTime"
answered 3 years ago

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